Tuesday, July 7, 2009

song for tonight...

Remember when you were young
How the hero was never hung
Always got away
Remember how the man
Used to leave you empty handed
Always, always let you down
If you ever change your mind
About leaving it all behind
Remember, remember, today
Don't you worry'bout what you've done
Don't feel sorry'bout the way it's gone
Remember when you were small
How people seemed so tall
Always had their way
Remember your ma and pa
Just wishing for movie stardom
Always, always playing a part
If you ever feel so sad
And the whole world is driving you mad
Remember, remember today
-Remember, John Lennon

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to gray
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carryin' on
Because you had a bad day
-Bad Day, Daniel Powter


i tried not to fall for you..
but i did...

you lied once..
and i said it's fine,you're OK, your grandparents are much important than me...

you lied twice..
and i accepted it with smile, because i knew that you would still be there...

you lied for the third times..
and i'm mad, i can't stand it anymore, i start to think that you just play with me...

and i think you did..
you'd never know how it effects me..
cracked my confidence, my trust, and my day...
probably you just never want to know..

and now i try to forget you and all the promises...
but i can't..
it's a waste of my time..i know...but still...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The last week of school...

Today is Wednesday, May 27... and this is the last wednesday I go to school here, in America...
It's really sad sometimes when I think about it...
10 months go to school here...
Laker time at 8.15 a.m
Go to Mr. Ullyot US History class
Go to the second period, think when the school will be done...
Third period, Chemistry.. doing lab, got tickled, laugh, another notes,hungry...
Got lunch.. wait in the long line, my fingerprint won't work, chat, spill the milk, bathroom...
Fourth hour, class AGAIN!
Fifth hour, laughed at Mr. Hassenstab
Sixth period, long hour, school almost done!
Seventh hour, Pre-calculus... REALLY now??! tired... never end chat.. another notes..
Go home... wait in the commons until somebody come pick me up...

But now... 2 more days... and I'm done...
Will miss a lot of stuff here...
will miss school...won't I??

Friday, May 8, 2009

Prom pictures!!!

These are the pictures from the Prom Night in Detroit Lakes, MN... Prom with themes A Walk to Remember is really a great success night, and absolutely be a great memory for all of us who went...
Me n Beatrice..

Me n Kayla...

Me n Girls from DL..

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Prom.. the first and the last...

Last night, Saturday, May 2...
Prom was in the air...
I went to Debi's apartment to get ready for prom..
She did my nail..give me a french manicure... wooowww...this is my first time doing something like this!!!
and then she did my hair...it's really fun because both of us didn't know what to do with my unflexible hair... so we did some experiments and in the end we just did the simple design one...hahaha
the next step, she gave me a "little" make up... I LOVE IT so much!!!!!!!
i looked so tan... and looked really naturally tan... i just realized that i have big eyes..hahaha

after that, at 6 p.m Christina picked me up and both of us drove to school together... Christina is my friend that i knew from my Chemistry class... nice, genuine girl with a lot of smile.. :)
When we arrived we just went to the bleachers and look for a good place to sit and watch the Grand March...
There's almost 50 couple there... and they dress up, and they all looked so pretty... I'm so amazed when I saw that...because at the first time I always thought that prom would be pretty boring...so i change my mind...
And then at 9 o'clock at night, the Prom dance started!
It's always fun to dance with all of my friend, do silly stuff, hugging each other around, and do anything we want to do...
But last night was really suck... The music was so bad...there's a lot of slow music which would be really boring for the kids who have no date... We didn't dance a lot since the fast music wasn't that good too.. The best part was when I dance slow dance with Kayla and Angela.. At least I have enough good time in the dance with my best friends... :D
The dance last until midnight..and after that we have Post Prom party at Young Life Castaway... So all of us change with casual outfit and pack some stuff and went by bus at 00.30 a.m to Castaway... a lot of us have already tired, so we took 15 minutes in the bus to sleep..
I know one guy that I have ever met before in his house, but he never talk to me,a nd last night he just came from no where and asked how's my day going.. haha... pretty funny actually when i remebered it again....
When we arrived in Castaway, we all gathered in one big room, where we saw our post prom performance by the teacher... it was so funny!
and then we could go anywhere we want to and do some stuff.. I walked with Kayla and Angie... We played the flying squirrel first and then we got some carricatures painting going on and then we got some massaging...and then we walked around and end up in bonfire place beside the lake.. And then we got our breakfast at 4.30 in the morning, which I didn't really care cause i've already fell asleep... And then at 5.15 we went back to school and went home...
This morning I slept from 6 a.m and woke up at 1 o'clock... Feel so good!!!

-Try to stand in my own feet-

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Last weekend I went to Duluth,MN with Jody Eidenschink and her family... Actually, she asked me on Monday if I want to go with her in Friday to Duluth..Duluth is my dream since the first 2 months I was here so without thought too much I just said YES!
So, in Friday she picked me up at Pat's house and drove to her house. For the first time I thought we would go to Duluth that evening..but NO..that evening I stayed at their house and we watched movie,ate pizza, and played Wii.. that night was so fun!
On Saturday morning, Jody woke me up at 7.30 a.m.. I took shower very fast because I really wanted to be in Duluth as fast as I could.. We left Jody's house at 8.30 a.m and we drove to the north for almost 4 hour because we arrived in Duluth at 12.30 p.m.. I feel so tired because the drive to Duluth is not that fun..there's just tree, n tree, n tree.. I slept a little bit, read a book, listen to the music, but they really not helped..the drive felt like forever!

When we arrived in Duluth, we drove to Liz's (Jody's daughter) apartment.. She is in St. Scholastica college now, taking her master in Occupation Therapist(OT)... And then we drove again for almost 45 mionutes to Betty's Pies..and then we ate lunch there... I got a chocolate banana cream,DELICIOUS!!!! They have the BEST pie!!! :D
And then we drove to Gooseberry Falls, they have waterfalls,and the best scenery in Duluth... We took a lot of pictures, actually me and Liz..we had a lot of fun there...
And then we went back to Duluth and dropped Louis at the casino and we continue our plan.. We went up to Pottery Burn, a place where we can choose a pottery and paint it..and it's really not that expensive..that's why I really like it... Liz made an ice bowl, Jody made a salad bowl and I made a thank you plate for Rotary.. we spent almost 2 hours there..it was so fun!!

And then we went back to the hotel, Canal Park Lodge and watched a movie, Baby Mama..so funny.. :)
On Sunday morning, we went to the bridge that can be lift up and down as the ship go accross it..
And we also did some college tour, we went to U of M Duluth first and then we went to St. Scholastica.. Both of the campus was so cool but I really like the St. Scholastica one.. the building looks like castle, big n gorgeous.... But, I also like the UMD library which is so neat..thay have one big building just for library, and it is so modern too...

I really love this town... If they give me chance to choose I will absolutely choose Duluth... Duluth is an old town with a lot of old building and full of art... located in the hill but also lies in the coast of lake Superior... It's also a student town, since they have 2 big universities.. a lot of culture.. a lot of stuff to do..

DULUTH= Old City with Young Spirit

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

dumb comp...

all of the computer at school is so dumb!!
oopss.. sorry... or maybe the programmer is dumb...
why they give us internet connection if we can't go to yahoo, facebook and all of the site like that???
makes me so mad...
if it was facebook i understand why...
but yahoo?? are you kidding me right now???
i believe soon they will block google too..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

pump it back nia!!!

I know we don’t belong
Everyone says it’s wrong
We come from different ways
So i tried to erase everything that i felt
That i felt

But then you kissed me and suddenly i don’t care any more
Something in me tells me you’re the one i’m looking for
But then you kissed me and suddenly i don’t care any more
Something in me tells me you’re the one i’m looking for
From the kiss
From the kiss

My heart is getting loud
I’m trying to keep it down
I wish the world could hear
But i can’t help but fear that they’ll take you away
You away


Palm to palm
Let lips do what hands do
They pray
Is it a sin
To do what we want to?
Don’t care where we’ve been
Give me my sin again


(The Kiss-Karmina)

I really like this song now..it really help me through my bad time since sunday... and i don't know why but it really pump my spirit that almost die here.. :P
maybe it because of the rebellious part in the song, made me want to break the bad bubble around me now.. and everytime i sing this song in my head i always feel better and more optimist with what am i doing..
hope this song can give the same effect for you guys!

just believe one thing: not all the fake thing or lie is bad, but the truth is soo much better..
keep that in mind.. try to be better person. gud luck! ^-^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

this day..

today, i just knew from one of my friend that I have been being dump..
feel like i don't care anymore..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the photos from last weekend!!!

@ middle school with Luis(Venezuela), n John(Brasil)

-amusement park in Mall of America-

ndut, AVATAR!!! ^^

Monday, March 9, 2009

Long Prairie weekend :)

so tired....

okay2.. we'll just start before I fall asleep...

I really love this last weekend!! That was the coolest meeting that we, the exchange student in MN,ND,Thunder Bay has ever had..
When: Wednesday, March 4th - Sunday, March 8th...
Location: Long Prairie,MN
Who: me, Rosa,Nora,Addie,Leo,Max,Raul,Luis,Fred,John,Vick,Gui,Bibi,Rodrigo,Boss, n Katt
What: a lot of fun stuff!! :)

In wednesday, right after school Jerry Schultz picked me up at school and drove me to Long Prairie.. It's 1.5-2 hours drive from DL.. We arrived there at 5.45 p.m...eventhough I should be there at 5.. :p All of the exchange student had already there,just 16 of us because some couldn't made it... After Kendra(the officer) told us what we would do in the next day, we went to our host families where we sould spent 4 days there.. I stayed with Nora in Cecil (host dad) house, I have a host sister too there, me n Nora agreed that she is the most noisy girl ever...she talked a lot! which is good, but would be very disturbing when u're tired..
We have our own room that we shared.. That night was a very unforgettable night..we talked a lot,which was good because we're not that close..and I was so happy with that..

In Thursday, we woke up at 6:30 a.m because we need to be at school at 8 a.m..we would give presentation about our country there.. I went to the middle school and Nora went to elementary school... I was in the middle school with Luis and John, we talked about our country, Indonesia,Venezuela,n Brasil.. eventhough the student wasn't that excited when we gave our presentation, but they acted like we're some kind of actors in the lunch time..they're all so nice and friendly!! After that, we have a movie night,which wasn't that cool because we're spread out in the church doing a lot of different stuff...

On Friday, we woke up at 7 and went to the Amish farms.. Amish people is people who live without electricity,car,cellphone,and they still live traditionally.. They make their own clothes, grown their own vegetables, travel with carriage and horses, and bake a lot of good stuff!!! :D
And then we saw how they made mapple syrup which was a little lame... And at 1.30 p.m we started the food drive... We did food drive for Minnesota Food Drive, an organization which they will give our donation to child who can't afford their meal..
There's 4 team, I was in team 4 with Rosa,Max,n Raul... We had to knock from door to door to ask for their help, the donation can be money or food (can n box).. It was a competition so the team who could get the most items of food will got $10 for each person...and the team who could get the most money got $10 too... So we tried so hard because we wanted to win so bad,and the best part was, our team was so AWESOME! There's some bad experience too though...
I knocked in 1 door for almost 5 minutes,and then the garage door opened so I ran there, I've just introduced my organization and this lady just close the gate right in front of my face!! SO RUDE!! me n Max,we swore a lot.. but it's really good experience,getting to know each other better and help people,I really love this program...♥

On Saturday, we went to Mall of America.. the second biggest mall in the world they said..they have amusement park in the inside of the mall.. I've ever gone there before with Kathy and now I wasn't that excited.. I just ride all of their roller coaster with Leo and Addie,whose very brave.. And I didn't shop a lot because I couldn't found what I was looking for... We spent 7 hours there..record for me!

On Sunday, we woke up at 7:00 a.m because we need to be at church at 8:30 for youth mass.. we went to First Baptist church, and at 11:30 we went home.. Sue Braun picked me up there, and we talked a lot in the car...
And after I arrived at home I really wanted to sleep but my hostdad had another taught... He wanted me to help him made a new stall for the mare... They were sick so they didn't sell them..yey!!^^
Now,I just want to sleep... my body can't stand it anymore... I got a very bad headache at school so I just sleep in the class which was bad because I didn't get anything for the test tomorrow...
Oc... I will post the photos later...wait for them..it was great!!! :D
Gud nite...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

she, her, herself..

Today is a new day...

Yeah right... It's a new a day for some people,but not for me... Days in DL always gone by like any other day in DL...boring... This morning need to wake up earlier cause I need to go to my Rotary meeting... it gives me a little boost every Tuesday morning because of their big smile...I really love the member in my host rotary club...even though they're not like any other rotarian whose like to give a bunch of gift to me, but they always be there for me...

Today luch was burritos...it's a little bit nasty... i just don't like the red nut that they put in the filling of the burritos...feel yucky for me...
I am so excited with my class cause I took a lot of challenging class..not the easiest one like a lot of exchange student will take but a little bit hard..I always like to challenge myself...make me feel better if I could done it.. :D
I am so anxious too wait for my 2 chamber shape for ceramics...yesterday they burned it, and if it succed and not fall apart I can paint it, but if it fell apart...yeah...you know what will happen...
start from the beginning nia!!!
and today I made a cup for my dad...because he really likes to drink coffee...I really love him...MY DAD IS MY HERO!!! :D

And tomorrow I will go to Long Prairie for Rotary weekend.. the program is so interesting, really make me so excited... but I was a little bit scared of what will hapen there... in the last meeting the other exchange was so busy with their cellphone and didn't bother other kids... I hope in this coming meeting they didn't act like that again.. I really want to know them and make friends with em.. but how can I if they're so busy text 10 people in one time??!!!
I'm really serious now.. if they just text and act busy with their cellphone again I will jsut call Sara or John and asked them to bring me home..
I better go to Duluth with Sara, and have a good time there with her there than spend days with people that doesn't even bother I live or not...
I hope everything will just go like what I want... I pray for the best!
Pray for me too, okay??^^

Monday, March 2, 2009

I feel it...

Today is Monday, and I am so tired... It happened because I've got such a long weekend... On Friday, Pat, Sara, me and Katelyn, Jeannin,and Jueli went to the movies and watched Slumdog Millionaire.. It's a very good movie! Now, I know why they got such a lot of awards.. It's an India's movie and they show us the social life there..It's pretty funny too!! For the people who haven't watched it yet, U NEED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE!! it's very worth it..trust me! haha

In Saturday, I cleaned my bedroom.. I just realize it that my bedroom was very messy and I couldn't even walked there... So, I just made a quick decision and cleaned my room..
It took me almost a day to did it.. Not because I'm slow but in a halfway to done it, Pat asked me if I want to go with him and John to see John's new house.. The house that John bought is a house where Sara's grew up..it's really cute I think...just need a little reparation and it will absolutely be a very pretty house... We have scheduled to make paint n carpetting party soon so John can move in a month... He's really excited with that new house, because he will got his own ranch!! It's a 10 acres land house, really neat I think since he really like to work with horses...

And yesterday, in Sunday, a lot of things happen.. Jeannin move to Kansas City with Sara's sister and soon on June she will move to Italy for the next 4 years.. Sara was really sad, and she cried..but what happened was noone even talk to her, Katelyn slept, John n Pat ditched the horse, just me doing my homework, so I talked with her for a moment, just made her smile little bit..
And then I called Northwest to reconfirm my ticket, and you know what happened?? They want me to hold it for 5 minutes and then hang up on me, really made me mad!! So not professional!!!
At 3 p.m I went with John and Katelyn to Staples, we went there because we need to shower the mare horses before they sold it.. I was really sad because I have worked with these horses for the last 2 months and it's hard just to say goodbye to them...
The surprising part is when I said goodbye to them they cry, they literally CRIED!! Holly...I just know that horses can cry when you want to sell them... It made me feel really bad for them..
And I just hug them..and it felt really good..
Lindsey, Lauren..will miss you so much!! Love you girls... ♥

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today is Valentine's day... nothing happened like what I had expected...so sad...hehehe

Do you guys know why I said we did it for the first time??
Because today, we do the polar plunge!
I was so scared before.. I always thought that I would die or something like that.. but I still write my blog now...thanx GOD...^^
So, today is the polar plunge day...
Polar plunge is a fundraiser activities that they do every winter... The activities just jump to the holes that they made in the frozen lake.. But, if you want to jump you need to raise $250 for 1 people.. and if you can raise more than $1000 you can jump as a group.. So, our Breakfast Rotary club raised $1409 beat the Noon club (Yeey!! :P)... And the people who would jump from our club are Heather Kivi and me! A lot of people make themes for what will they wear when they jump, so we decided PROM... Heather be the queen, I was the princess and Doug as the best man or something like that...I don't really understand...hehehe

Our number is 83 and 84.. it's right in the middle...there's 160s people who jump..
It was so fun!!! The water is frigid cold...when it touch your skin, you can't even feel anything anymore... I wear swimsuit, a little prom dress and a boot... actually, I looked cute..hahaha

Me, Doug, and Heather


We did it!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Queen of the hearts day...

I've lost it!!!!!!!

This just my second hour and I have lost it already...
made me sad,since I really want to give it to someone...
The boys who got my heart is Justin Holtz...
hate him...
he tricked me so bad...
huhu :p

Thursday, February 12, 2009

King of the heart day...

Today we have King of the heart day at our school.. For the first time I don't even know what it means..but Cara explained it to me in Interact meeting this morning...
So, the boys will all get one heart, and they can't talk to a girl..if they talk to a girl the need to give their hearts to that girl.. The boys who can keep their hearts until the end of the day will get candy or something like that.. A lot of people who dating, they give their hearts to their mate...it was so cute...^^

So, we, the girls tried to trick the boys to talk with us, so we can get their hearts..but it was so hard for the exchange student to do it because we don't know which one is freshmen and which one have done this before..really frustrating sometimes..but it's good, we try to know each other better...

I didn't get any heart, which I had expected it from someone.. but, I don't really care..there's a lot of girl who didn't get heart too..hehehehe
Beatrice, my friend, she got 2 hearts..she is so cute...I think everyone love her..hehe

Tomorrow will be the queen of the hearts day.. we'll see!!!
I don't want to lose my heart...hehehhe

Monday, February 9, 2009

no school!!!!

seneng banget hari ni...
gara2 semalem ujan deres, palagi ni lagi winter jadi udara dingin banget..akhire air ujan semalem beku diatas jalan... jadi kalo kita jalan di jalan raya kita gak jalan di aspal tapi jalan di atas es...
hahahaha seru banget!!! palagi kalo liat orang jalan trus kepleset gitu...lucu banget kalo diliat dari jendela rumah... :p
trus gara2 kita gak ada kerjaan, hostdad telp rumah... hostsis yg jawab..trus ga tau ada apa tiba2 Juile dateng kerumah bawa anak'na...co, nama'e Nick.. dia baru umur 9 taon..imut banget...hahhaha aq n Nick kaya tom n jerry..kita bisa kejar2an keliling rumah seharian (ato paling ga sampe hostmom marah2 n suru kita brenti..).. lah..hari ni hostmom pergi kerja,otomatis ga ada yg marah2 n nyuru kita brenti...akhire kita muterin rumah 10x ada...cape banget...hehehe
gara2 kita kecapean..n laper..(:P) akhire aq, hostsis, n Nick mutusin mo bikin sesuatu..cookies ato apa gitu... gara2 kita ga bisa mutusin n hostsis pengin banget cookies,akhire aq n Nick cm duduk2, nonton TV,maen PSP, n hostsis bikin cookies dengan tenaga sendiri n tanpa bantuan siapapun...ahaha
TING!! tu kaya bel skolah bubar ato santa dateng buat aq n Nick... kita lari ke kitchen n langsung nyomot 4 cookies(kan kudu adil,aq 2,Nick 2... :D) hostsis cuma bisa marah2 gitu...kita sama skali ga urusan...yg penting,perut diisi dulu...hahaha trus, aq n Nick terinspirasi gt sm hostsis...kita buka2 recipe book n liat2 apa yg bisa kita bikin... akhire kita mutusin FUDGE! yum2...mikirine ae dah bikin ngiler...
akhire kita bikin tu fudge.. aq dah p'nah bilang to kalo aq ga isa masak?? otomatis minta bantuan hostsis since Nick cuma duduk2 n maen PSP...(huh..anak jelek...^^).. setelah 15 menit b'kutat dengan kompor, panci, coklat, n all of that stuff...akhire fudge kita jadi!!!
kita semangat banget waktu tau semua dah slese n kita bisa makan lagi... tapi b'hubung masi panas n fudge enak'e kalo dingin kita b'sabar... tapi ngliatin panci n spatula yg berlumuran coklat...g tahan juga... akhire kita bersihin tu panci n spatula dengan 1 telunjuk...hahahha

lil Nick!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

lagi pengin ngomong b.indo ni...hehehhe
cape trus2an pake english...

hari ni themes'nya skolah'ku Decades day... jadi aq mo rada dress up gitu... jadi kemaren malem aq, host mom, host gramma pusing mikirin mo ngambil dari decade yg mana... akhire kita milih 50's... coz hostgramma kan asli 50's...hahahha coz kalo 70's kan hippies gitu..sulit...mana dingin lagi, males banget pake short pants...mana dandanane tebel banget!! setelah milih decade kita nyiapin baju yg bakal tak pake hari ni...

step 1: muterin rumah... cari baju2 bekas halloween taon kemaren...
step 2: host mom marah2 cz ada yg mindahin barang2nya dia...
step 3: cape.. host gramma dah mo nyerah...
step 4: tiba2 host mom tereak!!! kita mikir "duh..ada apa lagi ni...."
step 5: host mom ketawa keras banget...
step 6: rok'nya ketemu!!!
step 7: coba2... eee...gak cukup atasan'nya...
step 8: ngublek2 host mom kloset, cari atasan putih... dapet!!!!
step 9: coba2 lagi... terlihat aneh... tapi keren!!!

akhire hari ni aq pergi ke skolah dengan themes 50's!!!!!!
rok'e imut banget...ada puddle'e gitu...hehhehee

lagi seneng banget ni... besok mo pergi ke Minneapolis... ntar pulang skolah mo ke Perham nyoba prom dress... ntar malem nonton basket di DL, ketemu the Guetters!

kliatan'na ni blog butuh poto...
gak isa masukin poto dari skolah..gak ada drive'na...
di rumah... lelet banget...
tapi dicoba lah...nek ada waktu...hahahha

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SNOBALL week!!!!

This week is the Snoball week... we have dress code every day... I really want to dress up, but I'm to lazy to wake up early in the morning and mix n match all of my stuff... eventhough I've promised to myself I will dress up for this week... such a lazy girl...
Monday: class day --> I wore blue coz I'm a junior
Tuesday: Pirates day --> I didn't dress up, didn't have any inspiration
Wednesday: Red n white day --> I wear red
Thursday: Decades day --> I will ask Sara about this
Friday : Hawaiian day --> I won't be at school...

I'm so confused now... I really want to go to the dance this Friday night but I will go to Minneapolis, and I've never been there, so I prefer to go to the cities...

I'm kinda curious now... why everyone seems try to make me mad every morning?? Yesterday, all of the Royal Highness in Rotary even forget my name, and they don't even care about me.. This morning, Jake snapped me eventhough I haven't say one word... He could't solve problems in his math assignment, n when I offered my help, he just snapped me, said that I'm smart, n the problems is easy, he's dumb. Yeah right Jake!!! I really think that you're a dumb person!!! R u happy now???

I made a progress in my scrapbook, good news...

I miss my dad...T.T

Monday, February 2, 2009


My weekend was so cool!!!
On saturday we went snowmobiling, it was so warm that day, but so windy... Me and my host brother, John, drove to Perham for our snowmobiling plan... We took the wrong trail, and it was so bumpy..I fly a lot rather than stay on the ground... It was so fun though... He drove 50-60 MPH...it was so fast... for the first time it was scary but it's getting better,and it really makes me addicted!!hahaha

And then at 5:30, me, Pat, and Sara drove to DL to attend a German Dinner... It was so cool because I could meet my Grams and Gramps from my last family... And I met him there too...I was so happy!!! He's still like that, act like a cool guy, and he was so cute that nite..makes me just want to hug him...akakakka
The food is very good too... but I'm still a little bit curious, why all of the food taste so sweet?? It's kinda new,because the last time Randy give me Germany food it was Sour Krout (am I spell it right??haha), and it was so sour...
I got a new t-shirt from the Guetters,it's a basketball Lakers shirt... I love it so much!!!

And then yesterday, on sunday, I went with my friend s and her family to Andes Skiing Resort...
there's me, Kayla, Chelsea, adn her family... It was so fun!!!!! and it was not that EASY!! I fell like million times..I always hate myself so much when I fell...
but I'm so happy that I have a friend like Kayla,who is very passionate with me...she told me everything about skiing...untill I didn't fall anymore... I love you girls!!!ahahaha
Fact: I make 2 round without bumped my butt in the ground!!!! HAHAHAHA

today, all of my body soar...huhuhu but I will go skiing again, I WILL!!!
I will try snowboarding for the next time...

And I hear a bad news today... I won't go to Boston marathon next april... why they always do this to me??? make a promise but never fullfill it...hate them sometimes...

so excited for the snoball week!!!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

on my own...

And now I'm all alone again,
Nowhere to go, no one to turn to.
Did not want your money sir,
Came out here cuz I was told to.
And now the night is near,
Now I can make believe he's here.

Sometimes I walk alone at night
When everybody else is sleeping.
I think of him, and then I'm happy
With the company I'm keeping.
The city goes to bed,
And I can live inside my head.

On my own,
Pretending he's beside me.
All alone,
I walk with him till morning.
Without him,
I feel his arms around me,
And when I lose my way I close my eyes
And he has found me.

In the rain,
The pavement shines like silver.
All the lights
Are misty in the river.
In the darkness,
The trees are full of starlight,
And all I see is him and me for ever and forever.

And I know
It's only in my mind,
That I'm talking to myself
And not to him.
And although I know that he is blind,
Still I say,
There's a way for us.

I love him,
But when the night is over,
He is gone,
The river's just a river.
Without him,
The world around me changes.
The trees are bare and everywhere
The streets are full of strangers.

I love him,
But every day I'm learning,
All my life,
I've only been pretending!
Without me,
His world will go on turning,
The world is full of happiness that I have never known!

I love him...
I love him...
I love him...
But only on my own...
(Les Miserables ost)

love this song so much... it's really reflected what am I feeling now... maybe someday i will learn but not now... I know it's not now for me.. I'm not ready yet... I still want to dream that he's mine.. I care for him,but it's only on my own...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Finally FRIDAY!!!

I'm so happy today...it's Friday!!! After a tiring week I almost reach the time for relax....ahahaha
Nothing so important yesterday.. my life is so boring..maybe a lot of you will think like that... I won't be angry..because that's the reality...
I'm not a kind of girl who likes to sit, read, and listen to the music for hours... I can't do that... I'm a kind of girl who listen to the music while I walk around... I'm not a very active one, but I will be happier if there's something I can do rather than sitting around doing nothing...
Oc...I'm not that simple...I'm so complicated...OOOO... how can my life be like this??? I think I always take the easiest way to life..but I'm wrong...I always take a big fat chance to take the harder one...
I mean... why we should take the easy one if there's the hard one?? Why we always run from a problem?? Why we don't want to take a chance first, and then when we fail we can take the easy one?? Mystery of life...
I'm sorry I always confused you all with my mind... I hope I won't do it again eventhough I know I will... Why life is so complicated???
You said yes and then the reality is no...
You said no and then the reality is yes...
Human... don't know what are they thinking about in their mind...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am so tired today...since yesterday was a very full day for me... woke up at 6, went to rotary, went to school, changed my schedule, went to Walmart, went home...
And it's not done yet... I made a banana bread yesterday, eventhough it didn't look so good, but it still taste good..hahaha I think it's one of my talent too... not cooking... everyone know I can't cook... everytime I cook either it will burn or it won't taste good...hahaha
Oc, just want to talk about yesterday... It was so weird at school yesterday... I was just so hyper(usually I do like this, but never been so hyper like yeaterday...), I run everywhere, I was so active in the class (that I've never done it before...), and there's a boy asked my cellphone number too!! That's the first time a boy asking for my cellphone number here... Interesting...haha
And then I went home, in the ride home, my host sister was so crabby, made me have a hardcore headache... She talked about something not important, laughed to everything's not fun, and she sang a song in the radio soo bad... drive me crazy!!!
And when we got home, I heard that I would spent my night in the bowling alley, watched my host mom, my host sister, and my my host gramma bowl... boring...boring...
And this morning, I went to school with Haylee.. she live in Frazee, so I go to school with her everyday... she's nice, just so quiet...
O...ya... have I told you that I've just start do scrapbooking too??? I don't know what had happened with me since I live here... I've became a very different girls... weird...weird...weird...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Schedule!!

Today I started my day just like the other Tuesday...
Wake up at 6 a.m, take shower, and having a rush to the car.. Just like another tuesday, I need to go to Rotary meeting... They never ask me to come every morning but I'm the one who want it...since they're the one who accomodate me while I have my exchange year here, I'm kind of respect them I think...hehehe
Actually, eventhough they're older people bu they're very nice and so funny sometimes..give me some reasons to smile every tuesday morning... But, the food is the best!! At least oncce a week I can get another breakfast other than cereal... Corn Pops!! The only thing that make me can continue my life...hahahha I'm kind of addicted with this cereal... Can we addicted with cereal?? Talk about addicted..I addicted to a lot of stuff... Like chocolate (any kind...), ice, milk, cereal and everything should be in choco flavor... Oh my god... I've just realize that I eat a lot of chocolate... Really want to know if I gain weight or not here... Doesn't mean I'm a "thin girl" fan, since I'm a little bit chubby... Oh...hate it when I need to say it...hahaha
I didn't go to school yesterday, it meant there's a lot homework and project waiting for me today...AAARGH... And I have my new schedule today...hope it will be COOL classes!! I'm so excited!!hehehe

Monday, January 26, 2009

My 1st blog!!!! ^o^


after 6 months intended to make a blog, I've already did it!!!
Feel so happy...
Just want to thanks Pat for allowing me to stay at home, giving me time for browsing my best friend and his group blog,that made me realize that I haven't done anything yet since I promised my mom to make a blog 6 months ago...
Mom...I did it!!!ahahhahaha

I'm not promise it will be all good...I'm not a good girl, but I'm not a bad girl either...
I'm not that talented too in writing, since I know I won't get more than C for all of my literature class...-.-
