Friday, January 30, 2009

Finally FRIDAY!!!

I'm so happy's Friday!!! After a tiring week I almost reach the time for relax....ahahaha
Nothing so important yesterday.. my life is so boring..maybe a lot of you will think like that... I won't be angry..because that's the reality...
I'm not a kind of girl who likes to sit, read, and listen to the music for hours... I can't do that... I'm a kind of girl who listen to the music while I walk around... I'm not a very active one, but I will be happier if there's something I can do rather than sitting around doing nothing...
Oc...I'm not that simple...I'm so complicated...OOOO... how can my life be like this??? I think I always take the easiest way to life..but I'm wrong...I always take a big fat chance to take the harder one...
I mean... why we should take the easy one if there's the hard one?? Why we always run from a problem?? Why we don't want to take a chance first, and then when we fail we can take the easy one?? Mystery of life...
I'm sorry I always confused you all with my mind... I hope I won't do it again eventhough I know I will... Why life is so complicated???
You said yes and then the reality is no...
You said no and then the reality is yes...
Human... don't know what are they thinking about in their mind...

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