Monday, February 2, 2009


My weekend was so cool!!!
On saturday we went snowmobiling, it was so warm that day, but so windy... Me and my host brother, John, drove to Perham for our snowmobiling plan... We took the wrong trail, and it was so bumpy..I fly a lot rather than stay on the ground... It was so fun though... He drove 50-60 was so fast... for the first time it was scary but it's getting better,and it really makes me addicted!!hahaha

And then at 5:30, me, Pat, and Sara drove to DL to attend a German Dinner... It was so cool because I could meet my Grams and Gramps from my last family... And I met him there too...I was so happy!!! He's still like that, act like a cool guy, and he was so cute that nite..makes me just want to hug him...akakakka
The food is very good too... but I'm still a little bit curious, why all of the food taste so sweet?? It's kinda new,because the last time Randy give me Germany food it was Sour Krout (am I spell it right??haha), and it was so sour...
I got a new t-shirt from the Guetters,it's a basketball Lakers shirt... I love it so much!!!

And then yesterday, on sunday, I went with my friend s and her family to Andes Skiing Resort...
there's me, Kayla, Chelsea, adn her family... It was so fun!!!!! and it was not that EASY!! I fell like million times..I always hate myself so much when I fell...
but I'm so happy that I have a friend like Kayla,who is very passionate with me...she told me everything about skiing...untill I didn't fall anymore... I love you girls!!!ahahaha
Fact: I make 2 round without bumped my butt in the ground!!!! HAHAHAHA

today, all of my body soar...huhuhu but I will go skiing again, I WILL!!!
I will try snowboarding for the next time...

And I hear a bad news today... I won't go to Boston marathon next april... why they always do this to me??? make a promise but never fullfill it...hate them sometimes...

so excited for the snoball week!!!!!!

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