Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Schedule!!

Today I started my day just like the other Tuesday...
Wake up at 6 a.m, take shower, and having a rush to the car.. Just like another tuesday, I need to go to Rotary meeting... They never ask me to come every morning but I'm the one who want it...since they're the one who accomodate me while I have my exchange year here, I'm kind of respect them I think...hehehe
Actually, eventhough they're older people bu they're very nice and so funny sometimes..give me some reasons to smile every tuesday morning... But, the food is the best!! At least oncce a week I can get another breakfast other than cereal... Corn Pops!! The only thing that make me can continue my life...hahahha I'm kind of addicted with this cereal... Can we addicted with cereal?? Talk about addicted..I addicted to a lot of stuff... Like chocolate (any kind...), ice, milk, cereal and everything should be in choco flavor... Oh my god... I've just realize that I eat a lot of chocolate... Really want to know if I gain weight or not here... Doesn't mean I'm a "thin girl" fan, since I'm a little bit chubby... Oh...hate it when I need to say it...hahaha
I didn't go to school yesterday, it meant there's a lot homework and project waiting for me today...AAARGH... And I have my new schedule today...hope it will be COOL classes!! I'm so excited!!hehehe


  1. good girl! at last you did it! put some pics of your chubby face would be nice!

  2. oh my god! yeah! im addicted with a lot of stuff in USA! ohh my,,, i gonna be thin...
