Monday, March 2, 2009

I feel it...

Today is Monday, and I am so tired... It happened because I've got such a long weekend... On Friday, Pat, Sara, me and Katelyn, Jeannin,and Jueli went to the movies and watched Slumdog Millionaire.. It's a very good movie! Now, I know why they got such a lot of awards.. It's an India's movie and they show us the social life there..It's pretty funny too!! For the people who haven't watched it yet, U NEED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE!! it's very worth me! haha

In Saturday, I cleaned my bedroom.. I just realize it that my bedroom was very messy and I couldn't even walked there... So, I just made a quick decision and cleaned my room..
It took me almost a day to did it.. Not because I'm slow but in a halfway to done it, Pat asked me if I want to go with him and John to see John's new house.. The house that John bought is a house where Sara's grew's really cute I think...just need a little reparation and it will absolutely be a very pretty house... We have scheduled to make paint n carpetting party soon so John can move in a month... He's really excited with that new house, because he will got his own ranch!! It's a 10 acres land house, really neat I think since he really like to work with horses...

And yesterday, in Sunday, a lot of things happen.. Jeannin move to Kansas City with Sara's sister and soon on June she will move to Italy for the next 4 years.. Sara was really sad, and she cried..but what happened was noone even talk to her, Katelyn slept, John n Pat ditched the horse, just me doing my homework, so I talked with her for a moment, just made her smile little bit..
And then I called Northwest to reconfirm my ticket, and you know what happened?? They want me to hold it for 5 minutes and then hang up on me, really made me mad!! So not professional!!!
At 3 p.m I went with John and Katelyn to Staples, we went there because we need to shower the mare horses before they sold it.. I was really sad because I have worked with these horses for the last 2 months and it's hard just to say goodbye to them...
The surprising part is when I said goodbye to them they cry, they literally CRIED!! Holly...I just know that horses can cry when you want to sell them... It made me feel really bad for them..
And I just hug them..and it felt really good..
Lindsey, Lauren..will miss you so much!! Love you girls... ♥

1 comment:

  1. that's life girl! somethings come, some will go....and you...have to move on with your life the most of everymoment of your you can say...I HAVE NOTHING TO REGRETS,I ALREADY GIVE MY BEST...CHEERSS!!!
