Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The last week of school...

Today is Wednesday, May 27... and this is the last wednesday I go to school here, in America...
It's really sad sometimes when I think about it...
10 months go to school here...
Laker time at 8.15 a.m
Go to Mr. Ullyot US History class
Go to the second period, think when the school will be done...
Third period, Chemistry.. doing lab, got tickled, laugh, another notes,hungry...
Got lunch.. wait in the long line, my fingerprint won't work, chat, spill the milk, bathroom...
Fourth hour, class AGAIN!
Fifth hour, laughed at Mr. Hassenstab
Sixth period, long hour, school almost done!
Seventh hour, Pre-calculus... REALLY now??! tired... never end chat.. another notes..
Go home... wait in the commons until somebody come pick me up...

But now... 2 more days... and I'm done...
Will miss a lot of stuff here...
will miss school...won't I??

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