Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today is Valentine's day... nothing happened like what I had sad...hehehe

Do you guys know why I said we did it for the first time??
Because today, we do the polar plunge!
I was so scared before.. I always thought that I would die or something like that.. but I still write my blog now...thanx GOD...^^
So, today is the polar plunge day...
Polar plunge is a fundraiser activities that they do every winter... The activities just jump to the holes that they made in the frozen lake.. But, if you want to jump you need to raise $250 for 1 people.. and if you can raise more than $1000 you can jump as a group.. So, our Breakfast Rotary club raised $1409 beat the Noon club (Yeey!! :P)... And the people who would jump from our club are Heather Kivi and me! A lot of people make themes for what will they wear when they jump, so we decided PROM... Heather be the queen, I was the princess and Doug as the best man or something like that...I don't really understand...hehehe

Our number is 83 and 84.. it's right in the middle...there's 160s people who jump..
It was so fun!!! The water is frigid cold...when it touch your skin, you can't even feel anything anymore... I wear swimsuit, a little prom dress and a boot... actually, I looked cute..hahaha

Me, Doug, and Heather


We did it!!!