Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am so tired today...since yesterday was a very full day for me... woke up at 6, went to rotary, went to school, changed my schedule, went to Walmart, went home...
And it's not done yet... I made a banana bread yesterday, eventhough it didn't look so good, but it still taste good..hahaha I think it's one of my talent too... not cooking... everyone know I can't cook... everytime I cook either it will burn or it won't taste good...hahaha
Oc, just want to talk about yesterday... It was so weird at school yesterday... I was just so hyper(usually I do like this, but never been so hyper like yeaterday...), I run everywhere, I was so active in the class (that I've never done it before...), and there's a boy asked my cellphone number too!! That's the first time a boy asking for my cellphone number here... Interesting...haha
And then I went home, in the ride home, my host sister was so crabby, made me have a hardcore headache... She talked about something not important, laughed to everything's not fun, and she sang a song in the radio soo bad... drive me crazy!!!
And when we got home, I heard that I would spent my night in the bowling alley, watched my host mom, my host sister, and my my host gramma bowl... boring...boring...
And this morning, I went to school with Haylee.. she live in Frazee, so I go to school with her everyday... she's nice, just so quiet...
O...ya... have I told you that I've just start do scrapbooking too??? I don't know what had happened with me since I live here... I've became a very different girls... weird...weird...weird...

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