Tuesday, March 3, 2009

she, her, herself..

Today is a new day...

Yeah right... It's a new a day for some people,but not for me... Days in DL always gone by like any other day in DL...boring... This morning need to wake up earlier cause I need to go to my Rotary meeting... it gives me a little boost every Tuesday morning because of their big smile...I really love the member in my host rotary club...even though they're not like any other rotarian whose like to give a bunch of gift to me, but they always be there for me...

Today luch was burritos...it's a little bit nasty... i just don't like the red nut that they put in the filling of the burritos...feel yucky for me...
I am so excited with my class cause I took a lot of challenging class..not the easiest one like a lot of exchange student will take but a little bit hard..I always like to challenge myself...make me feel better if I could done it.. :D
I am so anxious too wait for my 2 chamber shape for ceramics...yesterday they burned it, and if it succed and not fall apart I can paint it, but if it fell apart...yeah...you know what will happen...
start from the beginning nia!!!
and today I made a cup for my dad...because he really likes to drink coffee...I really love him...MY DAD IS MY HERO!!! :D

And tomorrow I will go to Long Prairie for Rotary weekend.. the program is so interesting, really make me so excited... but I was a little bit scared of what will hapen there... in the last meeting the other exchange was so busy with their cellphone and didn't bother other kids... I hope in this coming meeting they didn't act like that again.. I really want to know them and make friends with em.. but how can I if they're so busy text 10 people in one time??!!!
I'm really serious now.. if they just text and act busy with their cellphone again I will jsut call Sara or John and asked them to bring me home..
I better go to Duluth with Sara, and have a good time there with her there than spend days with people that doesn't even bother I live or not...
I hope everything will just go like what I want... I pray for the best!
Pray for me too, okay??^^

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