Thursday, February 12, 2009

King of the heart day...

Today we have King of the heart day at our school.. For the first time I don't even know what it means..but Cara explained it to me in Interact meeting this morning...
So, the boys will all get one heart, and they can't talk to a girl..if they talk to a girl the need to give their hearts to that girl.. The boys who can keep their hearts until the end of the day will get candy or something like that.. A lot of people who dating, they give their hearts to their was so cute...^^

So, we, the girls tried to trick the boys to talk with us, so we can get their hearts..but it was so hard for the exchange student to do it because we don't know which one is freshmen and which one have done this before..really frustrating sometimes..but it's good, we try to know each other better...

I didn't get any heart, which I had expected it from someone.. but, I don't really care..there's a lot of girl who didn't get heart too..hehehehe
Beatrice, my friend, she got 2 hearts..she is so cute...I think everyone love her..hehe

Tomorrow will be the queen of the hearts day.. we'll see!!!
I don't want to lose my heart...hehehhe

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