Monday, March 9, 2009

Long Prairie weekend :)

so tired....

okay2.. we'll just start before I fall asleep...

I really love this last weekend!! That was the coolest meeting that we, the exchange student in MN,ND,Thunder Bay has ever had..
When: Wednesday, March 4th - Sunday, March 8th...
Location: Long Prairie,MN
Who: me, Rosa,Nora,Addie,Leo,Max,Raul,Luis,Fred,John,Vick,Gui,Bibi,Rodrigo,Boss, n Katt
What: a lot of fun stuff!! :)

In wednesday, right after school Jerry Schultz picked me up at school and drove me to Long Prairie.. It's 1.5-2 hours drive from DL.. We arrived there at 5.45 p.m...eventhough I should be there at 5.. :p All of the exchange student had already there,just 16 of us because some couldn't made it... After Kendra(the officer) told us what we would do in the next day, we went to our host families where we sould spent 4 days there.. I stayed with Nora in Cecil (host dad) house, I have a host sister too there, me n Nora agreed that she is the most noisy girl ever...she talked a lot! which is good, but would be very disturbing when u're tired..
We have our own room that we shared.. That night was a very unforgettable night..we talked a lot,which was good because we're not that close..and I was so happy with that..

In Thursday, we woke up at 6:30 a.m because we need to be at school at 8 a.m..we would give presentation about our country there.. I went to the middle school and Nora went to elementary school... I was in the middle school with Luis and John, we talked about our country, Indonesia,Venezuela,n Brasil.. eventhough the student wasn't that excited when we gave our presentation, but they acted like we're some kind of actors in the lunch time..they're all so nice and friendly!! After that, we have a movie night,which wasn't that cool because we're spread out in the church doing a lot of different stuff...

On Friday, we woke up at 7 and went to the Amish farms.. Amish people is people who live without electricity,car,cellphone,and they still live traditionally.. They make their own clothes, grown their own vegetables, travel with carriage and horses, and bake a lot of good stuff!!! :D
And then we saw how they made mapple syrup which was a little lame... And at 1.30 p.m we started the food drive... We did food drive for Minnesota Food Drive, an organization which they will give our donation to child who can't afford their meal..
There's 4 team, I was in team 4 with Rosa,Max,n Raul... We had to knock from door to door to ask for their help, the donation can be money or food (can n box).. It was a competition so the team who could get the most items of food will got $10 for each person...and the team who could get the most money got $10 too... So we tried so hard because we wanted to win so bad,and the best part was, our team was so AWESOME! There's some bad experience too though...
I knocked in 1 door for almost 5 minutes,and then the garage door opened so I ran there, I've just introduced my organization and this lady just close the gate right in front of my face!! SO RUDE!! me n Max,we swore a lot.. but it's really good experience,getting to know each other better and help people,I really love this program...♥

On Saturday, we went to Mall of America.. the second biggest mall in the world they said..they have amusement park in the inside of the mall.. I've ever gone there before with Kathy and now I wasn't that excited.. I just ride all of their roller coaster with Leo and Addie,whose very brave.. And I didn't shop a lot because I couldn't found what I was looking for... We spent 7 hours there..record for me!

On Sunday, we woke up at 7:00 a.m because we need to be at church at 8:30 for youth mass.. we went to First Baptist church, and at 11:30 we went home.. Sue Braun picked me up there, and we talked a lot in the car...
And after I arrived at home I really wanted to sleep but my hostdad had another taught... He wanted me to help him made a new stall for the mare... They were sick so they didn't sell them..yey!!^^
Now,I just want to sleep... my body can't stand it anymore... I got a very bad headache at school so I just sleep in the class which was bad because I didn't get anything for the test tomorrow...
Oc... I will post the photos later...wait for was great!!! :D
Gud nite...

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