Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today is Valentine's day... nothing happened like what I had sad...hehehe

Do you guys know why I said we did it for the first time??
Because today, we do the polar plunge!
I was so scared before.. I always thought that I would die or something like that.. but I still write my blog now...thanx GOD...^^
So, today is the polar plunge day...
Polar plunge is a fundraiser activities that they do every winter... The activities just jump to the holes that they made in the frozen lake.. But, if you want to jump you need to raise $250 for 1 people.. and if you can raise more than $1000 you can jump as a group.. So, our Breakfast Rotary club raised $1409 beat the Noon club (Yeey!! :P)... And the people who would jump from our club are Heather Kivi and me! A lot of people make themes for what will they wear when they jump, so we decided PROM... Heather be the queen, I was the princess and Doug as the best man or something like that...I don't really understand...hehehe

Our number is 83 and 84.. it's right in the middle...there's 160s people who jump..
It was so fun!!! The water is frigid cold...when it touch your skin, you can't even feel anything anymore... I wear swimsuit, a little prom dress and a boot... actually, I looked cute..hahaha

Me, Doug, and Heather


We did it!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Queen of the hearts day...

I've lost it!!!!!!!

This just my second hour and I have lost it already...
made me sad,since I really want to give it to someone...
The boys who got my heart is Justin Holtz...
hate him...
he tricked me so bad...
huhu :p

Thursday, February 12, 2009

King of the heart day...

Today we have King of the heart day at our school.. For the first time I don't even know what it means..but Cara explained it to me in Interact meeting this morning...
So, the boys will all get one heart, and they can't talk to a girl..if they talk to a girl the need to give their hearts to that girl.. The boys who can keep their hearts until the end of the day will get candy or something like that.. A lot of people who dating, they give their hearts to their was so cute...^^

So, we, the girls tried to trick the boys to talk with us, so we can get their hearts..but it was so hard for the exchange student to do it because we don't know which one is freshmen and which one have done this before..really frustrating sometimes..but it's good, we try to know each other better...

I didn't get any heart, which I had expected it from someone.. but, I don't really care..there's a lot of girl who didn't get heart too..hehehehe
Beatrice, my friend, she got 2 hearts..she is so cute...I think everyone love her..hehe

Tomorrow will be the queen of the hearts day.. we'll see!!!
I don't want to lose my heart...hehehhe

Monday, February 9, 2009

no school!!!!

seneng banget hari ni...
gara2 semalem ujan deres, palagi ni lagi winter jadi udara dingin banget..akhire air ujan semalem beku diatas jalan... jadi kalo kita jalan di jalan raya kita gak jalan di aspal tapi jalan di atas es...
hahahaha seru banget!!! palagi kalo liat orang jalan trus kepleset gitu...lucu banget kalo diliat dari jendela rumah... :p
trus gara2 kita gak ada kerjaan, hostdad telp rumah... hostsis yg jawab..trus ga tau ada apa tiba2 Juile dateng kerumah bawa anak', nama'e Nick.. dia baru umur 9 taon..imut banget...hahhaha aq n Nick kaya tom n jerry..kita bisa kejar2an keliling rumah seharian (ato paling ga sampe hostmom marah2 n suru kita brenti..).. lah..hari ni hostmom pergi kerja,otomatis ga ada yg marah2 n nyuru kita brenti...akhire kita muterin rumah 10x ada...cape banget...hehehe
gara2 kita kecapean..n laper..(:P) akhire aq, hostsis, n Nick mutusin mo bikin sesuatu..cookies ato apa gitu... gara2 kita ga bisa mutusin n hostsis pengin banget cookies,akhire aq n Nick cm duduk2, nonton TV,maen PSP, n hostsis bikin cookies dengan tenaga sendiri n tanpa bantuan siapapun...ahaha
TING!! tu kaya bel skolah bubar ato santa dateng buat aq n Nick... kita lari ke kitchen n langsung nyomot 4 cookies(kan kudu adil,aq 2,Nick 2... :D) hostsis cuma bisa marah2 gitu...kita sama skali ga urusan...yg penting,perut diisi dulu...hahaha trus, aq n Nick terinspirasi gt sm hostsis...kita buka2 recipe book n liat2 apa yg bisa kita bikin... akhire kita mutusin FUDGE! yum2...mikirine ae dah bikin ngiler...
akhire kita bikin tu fudge.. aq dah p'nah bilang to kalo aq ga isa masak?? otomatis minta bantuan hostsis since Nick cuma duduk2 n maen PSP...(huh..anak jelek...^^).. setelah 15 menit b'kutat dengan kompor, panci, coklat, n all of that stuff...akhire fudge kita jadi!!!
kita semangat banget waktu tau semua dah slese n kita bisa makan lagi... tapi b'hubung masi panas n fudge enak'e kalo dingin kita b'sabar... tapi ngliatin panci n spatula yg berlumuran coklat...g tahan juga... akhire kita bersihin tu panci n spatula dengan 1 telunjuk...hahahha

lil Nick!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

lagi pengin ngomong b.indo ni...hehehhe
cape trus2an pake english...

hari ni themes'nya skolah'ku Decades day... jadi aq mo rada dress up gitu... jadi kemaren malem aq, host mom, host gramma pusing mikirin mo ngambil dari decade yg mana... akhire kita milih 50's... coz hostgramma kan asli 50's...hahahha coz kalo 70's kan hippies gitu..sulit...mana dingin lagi, males banget pake short pants...mana dandanane tebel banget!! setelah milih decade kita nyiapin baju yg bakal tak pake hari ni...

step 1: muterin rumah... cari baju2 bekas halloween taon kemaren...
step 2: host mom marah2 cz ada yg mindahin barang2nya dia...
step 3: cape.. host gramma dah mo nyerah...
step 4: tiba2 host mom tereak!!! kita mikir "duh..ada apa lagi ni...."
step 5: host mom ketawa keras banget...
step 6: rok'nya ketemu!!!
step 7: coba2... eee...gak cukup atasan'nya...
step 8: ngublek2 host mom kloset, cari atasan putih... dapet!!!!
step 9: coba2 lagi... terlihat aneh... tapi keren!!!

akhire hari ni aq pergi ke skolah dengan themes 50's!!!!!!
rok'e imut banget...ada puddle'e gitu...hehhehee

lagi seneng banget ni... besok mo pergi ke Minneapolis... ntar pulang skolah mo ke Perham nyoba prom dress... ntar malem nonton basket di DL, ketemu the Guetters!

kliatan'na ni blog butuh poto...
gak isa masukin poto dari skolah..gak ada drive'na...
di rumah... lelet banget...
tapi dicoba lah...nek ada waktu...hahahha

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SNOBALL week!!!!

This week is the Snoball week... we have dress code every day... I really want to dress up, but I'm to lazy to wake up early in the morning and mix n match all of my stuff... eventhough I've promised to myself I will dress up for this week... such a lazy girl...
Monday: class day --> I wore blue coz I'm a junior
Tuesday: Pirates day --> I didn't dress up, didn't have any inspiration
Wednesday: Red n white day --> I wear red
Thursday: Decades day --> I will ask Sara about this
Friday : Hawaiian day --> I won't be at school...

I'm so confused now... I really want to go to the dance this Friday night but I will go to Minneapolis, and I've never been there, so I prefer to go to the cities...

I'm kinda curious now... why everyone seems try to make me mad every morning?? Yesterday, all of the Royal Highness in Rotary even forget my name, and they don't even care about me.. This morning, Jake snapped me eventhough I haven't say one word... He could't solve problems in his math assignment, n when I offered my help, he just snapped me, said that I'm smart, n the problems is easy, he's dumb. Yeah right Jake!!! I really think that you're a dumb person!!! R u happy now???

I made a progress in my scrapbook, good news...

I miss my dad...T.T

Monday, February 2, 2009


My weekend was so cool!!!
On saturday we went snowmobiling, it was so warm that day, but so windy... Me and my host brother, John, drove to Perham for our snowmobiling plan... We took the wrong trail, and it was so bumpy..I fly a lot rather than stay on the ground... It was so fun though... He drove 50-60 was so fast... for the first time it was scary but it's getting better,and it really makes me addicted!!hahaha

And then at 5:30, me, Pat, and Sara drove to DL to attend a German Dinner... It was so cool because I could meet my Grams and Gramps from my last family... And I met him there too...I was so happy!!! He's still like that, act like a cool guy, and he was so cute that nite..makes me just want to hug him...akakakka
The food is very good too... but I'm still a little bit curious, why all of the food taste so sweet?? It's kinda new,because the last time Randy give me Germany food it was Sour Krout (am I spell it right??haha), and it was so sour...
I got a new t-shirt from the Guetters,it's a basketball Lakers shirt... I love it so much!!!

And then yesterday, on sunday, I went with my friend s and her family to Andes Skiing Resort...
there's me, Kayla, Chelsea, adn her family... It was so fun!!!!! and it was not that EASY!! I fell like million times..I always hate myself so much when I fell...
but I'm so happy that I have a friend like Kayla,who is very passionate with me...she told me everything about skiing...untill I didn't fall anymore... I love you girls!!!ahahaha
Fact: I make 2 round without bumped my butt in the ground!!!! HAHAHAHA

today, all of my body soar...huhuhu but I will go skiing again, I WILL!!!
I will try snowboarding for the next time...

And I hear a bad news today... I won't go to Boston marathon next april... why they always do this to me??? make a promise but never fullfill it...hate them sometimes...

so excited for the snoball week!!!!!!