Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Last weekend I went to Duluth,MN with Jody Eidenschink and her family... Actually, she asked me on Monday if I want to go with her in Friday to Duluth..Duluth is my dream since the first 2 months I was here so without thought too much I just said YES!
So, in Friday she picked me up at Pat's house and drove to her house. For the first time I thought we would go to Duluth that evening..but NO..that evening I stayed at their house and we watched movie,ate pizza, and played Wii.. that night was so fun!
On Saturday morning, Jody woke me up at 7.30 a.m.. I took shower very fast because I really wanted to be in Duluth as fast as I could.. We left Jody's house at 8.30 a.m and we drove to the north for almost 4 hour because we arrived in Duluth at 12.30 p.m.. I feel so tired because the drive to Duluth is not that fun..there's just tree, n tree, n tree.. I slept a little bit, read a book, listen to the music, but they really not helped..the drive felt like forever!

When we arrived in Duluth, we drove to Liz's (Jody's daughter) apartment.. She is in St. Scholastica college now, taking her master in Occupation Therapist(OT)... And then we drove again for almost 45 mionutes to Betty's Pies..and then we ate lunch there... I got a chocolate banana cream,DELICIOUS!!!! They have the BEST pie!!! :D
And then we drove to Gooseberry Falls, they have waterfalls,and the best scenery in Duluth... We took a lot of pictures, actually me and Liz..we had a lot of fun there...
And then we went back to Duluth and dropped Louis at the casino and we continue our plan.. We went up to Pottery Burn, a place where we can choose a pottery and paint it..and it's really not that expensive..that's why I really like it... Liz made an ice bowl, Jody made a salad bowl and I made a thank you plate for Rotary.. we spent almost 2 hours was so fun!!

And then we went back to the hotel, Canal Park Lodge and watched a movie, Baby funny.. :)
On Sunday morning, we went to the bridge that can be lift up and down as the ship go accross it..
And we also did some college tour, we went to U of M Duluth first and then we went to St. Scholastica.. Both of the campus was so cool but I really like the St. Scholastica one.. the building looks like castle, big n gorgeous.... But, I also like the UMD library which is so neat..thay have one big building just for library, and it is so modern too...

I really love this town... If they give me chance to choose I will absolutely choose Duluth... Duluth is an old town with a lot of old building and full of art... located in the hill but also lies in the coast of lake Superior... It's also a student town, since they have 2 big universities.. a lot of culture.. a lot of stuff to do..

DULUTH= Old City with Young Spirit

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

dumb comp...

all of the computer at school is so dumb!!
oopss.. sorry... or maybe the programmer is dumb...
why they give us internet connection if we can't go to yahoo, facebook and all of the site like that???
makes me so mad...
if it was facebook i understand why...
but yahoo?? are you kidding me right now???
i believe soon they will block google too..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

pump it back nia!!!

I know we don’t belong
Everyone says it’s wrong
We come from different ways
So i tried to erase everything that i felt
That i felt

But then you kissed me and suddenly i don’t care any more
Something in me tells me you’re the one i’m looking for
But then you kissed me and suddenly i don’t care any more
Something in me tells me you’re the one i’m looking for
From the kiss
From the kiss

My heart is getting loud
I’m trying to keep it down
I wish the world could hear
But i can’t help but fear that they’ll take you away
You away


Palm to palm
Let lips do what hands do
They pray
Is it a sin
To do what we want to?
Don’t care where we’ve been
Give me my sin again


(The Kiss-Karmina)

I really like this song really help me through my bad time since sunday... and i don't know why but it really pump my spirit that almost die here.. :P
maybe it because of the rebellious part in the song, made me want to break the bad bubble around me now.. and everytime i sing this song in my head i always feel better and more optimist with what am i doing..
hope this song can give the same effect for you guys!

just believe one thing: not all the fake thing or lie is bad, but the truth is soo much better..
keep that in mind.. try to be better person. gud luck! ^-^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

this day..

today, i just knew from one of my friend that I have been being dump..
feel like i don't care anymore..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the photos from last weekend!!!

@ middle school with Luis(Venezuela), n John(Brasil)

-amusement park in Mall of America-

ndut, AVATAR!!! ^^

Monday, March 9, 2009

Long Prairie weekend :)

so tired....

okay2.. we'll just start before I fall asleep...

I really love this last weekend!! That was the coolest meeting that we, the exchange student in MN,ND,Thunder Bay has ever had..
When: Wednesday, March 4th - Sunday, March 8th...
Location: Long Prairie,MN
Who: me, Rosa,Nora,Addie,Leo,Max,Raul,Luis,Fred,John,Vick,Gui,Bibi,Rodrigo,Boss, n Katt
What: a lot of fun stuff!! :)

In wednesday, right after school Jerry Schultz picked me up at school and drove me to Long Prairie.. It's 1.5-2 hours drive from DL.. We arrived there at 5.45 p.m...eventhough I should be there at 5.. :p All of the exchange student had already there,just 16 of us because some couldn't made it... After Kendra(the officer) told us what we would do in the next day, we went to our host families where we sould spent 4 days there.. I stayed with Nora in Cecil (host dad) house, I have a host sister too there, me n Nora agreed that she is the most noisy girl ever...she talked a lot! which is good, but would be very disturbing when u're tired..
We have our own room that we shared.. That night was a very unforgettable night..we talked a lot,which was good because we're not that close..and I was so happy with that..

In Thursday, we woke up at 6:30 a.m because we need to be at school at 8 a.m..we would give presentation about our country there.. I went to the middle school and Nora went to elementary school... I was in the middle school with Luis and John, we talked about our country, Indonesia,Venezuela,n Brasil.. eventhough the student wasn't that excited when we gave our presentation, but they acted like we're some kind of actors in the lunch time..they're all so nice and friendly!! After that, we have a movie night,which wasn't that cool because we're spread out in the church doing a lot of different stuff...

On Friday, we woke up at 7 and went to the Amish farms.. Amish people is people who live without electricity,car,cellphone,and they still live traditionally.. They make their own clothes, grown their own vegetables, travel with carriage and horses, and bake a lot of good stuff!!! :D
And then we saw how they made mapple syrup which was a little lame... And at 1.30 p.m we started the food drive... We did food drive for Minnesota Food Drive, an organization which they will give our donation to child who can't afford their meal..
There's 4 team, I was in team 4 with Rosa,Max,n Raul... We had to knock from door to door to ask for their help, the donation can be money or food (can n box).. It was a competition so the team who could get the most items of food will got $10 for each person...and the team who could get the most money got $10 too... So we tried so hard because we wanted to win so bad,and the best part was, our team was so AWESOME! There's some bad experience too though...
I knocked in 1 door for almost 5 minutes,and then the garage door opened so I ran there, I've just introduced my organization and this lady just close the gate right in front of my face!! SO RUDE!! me n Max,we swore a lot.. but it's really good experience,getting to know each other better and help people,I really love this program...♥

On Saturday, we went to Mall of America.. the second biggest mall in the world they said..they have amusement park in the inside of the mall.. I've ever gone there before with Kathy and now I wasn't that excited.. I just ride all of their roller coaster with Leo and Addie,whose very brave.. And I didn't shop a lot because I couldn't found what I was looking for... We spent 7 hours there..record for me!

On Sunday, we woke up at 7:00 a.m because we need to be at church at 8:30 for youth mass.. we went to First Baptist church, and at 11:30 we went home.. Sue Braun picked me up there, and we talked a lot in the car...
And after I arrived at home I really wanted to sleep but my hostdad had another taught... He wanted me to help him made a new stall for the mare... They were sick so they didn't sell them..yey!!^^
Now,I just want to sleep... my body can't stand it anymore... I got a very bad headache at school so I just sleep in the class which was bad because I didn't get anything for the test tomorrow...
Oc... I will post the photos later...wait for was great!!! :D
Gud nite...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

she, her, herself..

Today is a new day...

Yeah right... It's a new a day for some people,but not for me... Days in DL always gone by like any other day in DL...boring... This morning need to wake up earlier cause I need to go to my Rotary meeting... it gives me a little boost every Tuesday morning because of their big smile...I really love the member in my host rotary club...even though they're not like any other rotarian whose like to give a bunch of gift to me, but they always be there for me...

Today luch was's a little bit nasty... i just don't like the red nut that they put in the filling of the burritos...feel yucky for me...
I am so excited with my class cause I took a lot of challenging class..not the easiest one like a lot of exchange student will take but a little bit hard..I always like to challenge myself...make me feel better if I could done it.. :D
I am so anxious too wait for my 2 chamber shape for ceramics...yesterday they burned it, and if it succed and not fall apart I can paint it, but if it fell know what will happen...
start from the beginning nia!!!
and today I made a cup for my dad...because he really likes to drink coffee...I really love him...MY DAD IS MY HERO!!! :D

And tomorrow I will go to Long Prairie for Rotary weekend.. the program is so interesting, really make me so excited... but I was a little bit scared of what will hapen there... in the last meeting the other exchange was so busy with their cellphone and didn't bother other kids... I hope in this coming meeting they didn't act like that again.. I really want to know them and make friends with em.. but how can I if they're so busy text 10 people in one time??!!!
I'm really serious now.. if they just text and act busy with their cellphone again I will jsut call Sara or John and asked them to bring me home..
I better go to Duluth with Sara, and have a good time there with her there than spend days with people that doesn't even bother I live or not...
I hope everything will just go like what I want... I pray for the best!
Pray for me too, okay??^^

Monday, March 2, 2009

I feel it...

Today is Monday, and I am so tired... It happened because I've got such a long weekend... On Friday, Pat, Sara, me and Katelyn, Jeannin,and Jueli went to the movies and watched Slumdog Millionaire.. It's a very good movie! Now, I know why they got such a lot of awards.. It's an India's movie and they show us the social life there..It's pretty funny too!! For the people who haven't watched it yet, U NEED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE!! it's very worth me! haha

In Saturday, I cleaned my bedroom.. I just realize it that my bedroom was very messy and I couldn't even walked there... So, I just made a quick decision and cleaned my room..
It took me almost a day to did it.. Not because I'm slow but in a halfway to done it, Pat asked me if I want to go with him and John to see John's new house.. The house that John bought is a house where Sara's grew's really cute I think...just need a little reparation and it will absolutely be a very pretty house... We have scheduled to make paint n carpetting party soon so John can move in a month... He's really excited with that new house, because he will got his own ranch!! It's a 10 acres land house, really neat I think since he really like to work with horses...

And yesterday, in Sunday, a lot of things happen.. Jeannin move to Kansas City with Sara's sister and soon on June she will move to Italy for the next 4 years.. Sara was really sad, and she cried..but what happened was noone even talk to her, Katelyn slept, John n Pat ditched the horse, just me doing my homework, so I talked with her for a moment, just made her smile little bit..
And then I called Northwest to reconfirm my ticket, and you know what happened?? They want me to hold it for 5 minutes and then hang up on me, really made me mad!! So not professional!!!
At 3 p.m I went with John and Katelyn to Staples, we went there because we need to shower the mare horses before they sold it.. I was really sad because I have worked with these horses for the last 2 months and it's hard just to say goodbye to them...
The surprising part is when I said goodbye to them they cry, they literally CRIED!! Holly...I just know that horses can cry when you want to sell them... It made me feel really bad for them..
And I just hug them..and it felt really good..
Lindsey, Lauren..will miss you so much!! Love you girls... ♥